Library for realtime / live patching available?


I am searching for a library that allows me to handle (sensor-)data with code that can be exchanged in realtime without recompiling.

Something like
There so called "patches" can be written at runtime and data is processed frame by frame. If you change the modules and their connections, you can immediately see the result. Without recompiling the code.

Are there already libraries that adress this approach?

The Arduino framework does not support that. You have to download the vvv framework for your controller - if it is implemented already.

Yeah I know that the arduino framework itself does not support that. Thats why I asked about existing libraries that make something like interchangeable code WITHOUT recompiling possible. Something like interpreted textfiles on sd card during runtime.

VVVV was just an example to depicture exactly what I mean. It is a dx11/win/dot net library and has nothing to do with arduino.

Interpreted languages (Python...) may support what you want. DotNet code is interpreted by nature, with partial compilation on demand on the target system. This requires a JIT compiler residing on the target system. Such a compiler and .NET framework may be available for the high end Arduinos or RasPi boards, certainly not for the 8 bit controllers.

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