The Library Manager is so much better than the old one, but it still needs work. For example, I want to update all the libraries I have installed. I should be able to have an "update all" option. I have been doing this in the background (on my second screen) while involved in remote meetings on my first screen, and I am now about three hours into doing updates. There is no reason I should not be able to say "update all" and go to bed, and come down the next day to see the updates have completed.
And I should never, ever see a "concurrent access" exception. If the previous update has not completed, the "update" button should be disabled. If I press it, then it should queue up behind the current update. Not as nice as "update all", but I could click through a couple dozen updates quickly. Or at least not get bizarre warnings that only a Java programmer could love (and, by the way, which don't seem to go away when the problem is gone).