Library not being recognized for MFRC522 RFID Sesnor

The source I am using is: GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522

I have searched the forums to see if this problem was ever solved, but each thread I found seemed to die off before the problem was resolved. I am fairly new to using arduino so any help would be greatly appreciated.

So far, I have..

  1. extracted the library to .. /documents/arduino/libraries (the .cpp ; .h ; keywords file; and examples are provided in the link above)

  2. after loading the examples and attempting to compile the code, I receive this error:

cardRead:25: error: 'RFID' does not name a type
cardRead.ino: In function 'void setup()':
cardRead:38: error: 'rfid' was not declared in this scope
cardRead.ino: In function 'void loop()':
cardRead:45: error: 'rfid' was not declared in this scope
cardRead:94: error: 'rfid' was not declared in this scope

  1. not sure if this matters, but I noticed that the .cpp and .h files were named "MFRC522.cpp" and" MFRC522.h" ; however, the example calls on a library called "<RFID.H>". I tried replacing the #include <RFID.h> with a <MFRC522.h> but I still recieve the same error while compiling

What is the name of the folder to which you extracted the library files ?
Did you restart the IDE after installing the library ?

What is the name of the folder to which you extracted the library files ?
Did you restart the IDE after installing the library ?

Bob, I have tried keeping the default folder name "rfidfcc325e09fbef7a6c35a711ed8b3e0a5154f6603". I have tried changing the name to "MFRC522" and "RFID" but the same problem persists.

And yes, I restarted the IDE after installing the library and in between changing the folder names

just ran into the same problem, this topic is probably dead but since it is the first one in Google results I expect more people will come here looking for answers

to add the library take MFRC522.cpp and MFRC522.h and put them in a zip file (both files in same zip), I named mine

in IDE go to sketch -> import library -> add library
choose the zip you just created
restart IDE

this worked for me

Thanks. Worked for me.