The source I am using is: GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522
I have searched the forums to see if this problem was ever solved, but each thread I found seemed to die off before the problem was resolved. I am fairly new to using arduino so any help would be greatly appreciated.
So far, I have..
extracted the library to .. /documents/arduino/libraries (the .cpp ; .h ; keywords file; and examples are provided in the link above)
after loading the examples and attempting to compile the code, I receive this error:
cardRead:25: error: 'RFID' does not name a type
cardRead.ino: In function 'void setup()':
cardRead:38: error: 'rfid' was not declared in this scope
cardRead.ino: In function 'void loop()':
cardRead:45: error: 'rfid' was not declared in this scope
cardRead:94: error: 'rfid' was not declared in this scope
- not sure if this matters, but I noticed that the .cpp and .h files were named "MFRC522.cpp" and" MFRC522.h" ; however, the example calls on a library called "<RFID.H>". I tried replacing the #include <RFID.h> with a <MFRC522.h> but I still recieve the same error while compiling