
now I am doing a project but the name MEDICINE REMINDER.which requires real time clock chip ds1307. in the program I used the library RTClib.h . which I was installed from sketch>>manage library>> install. when I tried to include library and compiled it.. the following message found. what I should do now. please give me an answer. thanks in advance

Invalid library found in D:\arduino-nightly-windows\arduino-nightly\libraries\RTClib: D:\arduino-nightly-windows\arduino-nightly\libraries\RTClib

YMMV, but I have never used that method to install a library. I just copy the folder. Sometimes you have to restart the IDE as well.

You always have to restart the IDE. I haven't used that method either, but I'm sure it's OK and not restarting the IDE is more likely to be the problem.

thanku... i restarted the ide. but still the problem remains.

OK. This implies the library is in the wrong place. Check that it in the right place. i.e. with all the other libraries.

I might add that I had some grief with libraries using IDE v1.6. I gave up trying to fix it, and upgraded to v1.5. I'm not aware of anybody else having that problem.