Library ordering

I am trying to get a Wire library with the timeout function - that is not supplied in the default library - I'm using a Nano RP2040. I see other versions of the Wire library with the timeout function for other Arduinos. I'm not sure if that will necessarily work with my hardware, but I tried by importing the new version under \Documents\Arduino\Libraries\ because the Arduino tutorial says that a library placed there overrides others. But when I try to compile, I see:

Multiple libraries were found for "Wire.h"
Used: C:\Users\smith\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\mbed_nano\4.1.5\libraries\Wire
Not used: C:\Users\smith\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Wire
exit status 1

My question is why, and what is the best way to fix this?

True. But it might not be the correct library for your architecture; each core has its own Wire library. Which Wire library did you install?

I would first remove that new library and check if you can still compile. If you're using IDE 2.x you will either need to clear the cache or copy your sketch (directory) to a new sketch (directory). If you're using IDE 1.x, just close it and open the IDE again.

I'm not a Nano RP2040 user so might not be able to help further.

I'm reasonably sure that the linker is breaking its neck over what is happening.

OK, Thanks, sterretje.