Could anyone recommend any good advanced free library to control 16x16 WS2812B full RGB color LED matrix?
Looking to draw and animate some graphic primitives such as lines, rectangles, ovals, characters (?), gradients and shifts. I believe some wrappers for FastLED are existing?
Wow... No recommendations? Not at all?
AdaFruit have a library for ws2812b matrices. But it uses their own NeoPixel library, not FastLED library.
Wow... No recommendations? Not at all?
Because you don’t need a library to control them other than the normal WS2812 drivers. So it is hard to recommend one.
What do you want a library to do for you that is not trivial to code yourself?
An advanced LED strip library when using the ESP32 is the Adafruit_NeoPixel.h. The ESP32 Adafruit_NeoPixel.h the library is written in C and uses some of the ESP32's OS, freeRTOS, library to facilitate operations.
AdaFruit have a library for ws2812b matrices. But it uses their own NeoPixel library, not FastLED library.
Ok, thank you, will look.
Because you don’t need a library to control them other than the normal WS2812 drivers. So it is hard to recommend one.What do you want a library to do for you that is not trivial to code yourself?
Everything that could be done with libraries, also could be done without. The question is in code reuse, if somebody already have done such thing and ready to share, why to reinvent bicycle?
I am looking for library to do, as mentioned above, some graphics primitive figures and operations - draw rectangles, ovals, lines, 2d color gradients, shifts, characters. Probably, it may be not so hard to do by myself, but before starting to work on it, i am looking for library, which can make the task is easier...
An advanced LED strip library when using the ESP32 is the Adafruit_NeoPixel.h. The ESP32 Adafruit_NeoPixel.h the library is written in C and uses some of the ESP32's OS, freeRTOS, library to facilitate operations.
Someone has already mentioned library from Adafruit, but it seems to be anothe one. Thank you, will look.
if somebody already have done such thing and ready to share, why to reinvent bicycle?
Because if you can’t reinvent the bicycle then you will never learn how to invent anything.
Because if you can’t reinvent the bicycle then you will never learn how to invent anything.
BS, I CAN reinvent bicycles and i did it so many times to be fed up with this. So now, before start to do it again, i am looking around to see what to reuse.
BS, I CAN reinvent bicycles and i did it so many times to be fed up with this.
Quite honestly I don't believe you.
Quite honestly I don't believe you.
Ok, it is not bother me We are here not to believe...
Thanks you to those who point me to Adafruit_NeoMatrix library (NeoMatrix Library | Adafruit NeoPixel Überguide | Adafruit Learning System), it is very useful.
There are also some good samples here: Огненная Wi-Fi лампа GyverLamp своими руками | AlexGyver
Russian language, so Google translator may help.
Have played a little bit, here is my library (some ideas inspired by Adafruit, some - by FastLED comunity).
There are library there and simple demo-project here:
You can set/get colors by X,Y, draw lines, rectangles (filled and not, also with 4-colors gradient), circles (filled and not), quoter- and half-circles. Still slow playing with it, so will update it.
Also, in separate folder you will find two other libraries, used in this demo - one more Timer and RGBGradientCalculator.
Testers and critics are welcome
Could anyone recommend any good advanced free library to control 16x16 WS2812B full RGB color LED matrix?
Looking to draw and animate some graphic primitives such as lines, rectangles, ovals, characters (?), gradients and shifts. I believe some wrappers for FastLED are existing?
You can use FastLed library, when you install it at the examples section you will find one called SmartMatrix and other called XYMatrix, take a look to them and check if that works for you
Yes, thank you, I saw both... I did not really realised what SmartMatix is, but i was asking for something more advanced than XYMatrix, although i have copied XY function from it to my library, link in previous post.
I have made my own library, may be some will be interested...
link on post in this forum
I have made my own library, may be some will be interested...
link on post in this forum
Demo video: