librxtxserial.jnilib problem :-(

Hi, All:

I'm trying to install Arduino, and keep getting an error about an "unsatisfiedlinkerror: /Library/Java/Extensions/librxtxSerial.jnilib".

Since that file appears to be in the actual (Contents/MacOS/Java/librxtxSerial.jnilib), I'm not sure why it wants to look elsewhere.

Anyways, does anybody have any suggestions as to how to get this to work? I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.6, and Java 1.6.



Read this thread for some suggestions:


Easy fix Arduino is NOT compatible with the JAVA SE 6.0 , go back to 5.0
Go to the Utilities Folder (cmd+U)
open the Java Folder
open the application Java Preferences
push the button Restore Default ( or similar I have the italian version ) in the Java application pane
move J2SE 5.0 32 bit on top

Happy Coding ....

You're right! Switching to 5.0 cleared up the problem. Thanks so much for your help and quick response (and to the other poster, too: that was an interesting read). Now I can start to play (um, I mean, learn :slight_smile:
