Hi everyone!
This is my first venture into Arduino projects. At this time I have no hardware, I would need a recommendation on what to buy..
I run tech for my local community theater, and the play that we are producing is of a "supernatural" variety. There are a couple scenes where characters who play ghosts make an entrance and when they do the lights are supposed to go nuts.
It would not be an issue if we had modern DMX equipment to work with, but being community theater money is very tight. We are all volunteers and we work very hard for free and pay for things out of pocket to keep the theater running.
The lighting console does not have individual flash buttons, and trying to rapidly work 12 channel sliders in a way that doesn't look like crap is proving to be a challenge. So I had an idea..
This is a standard 0-10v analog theatrical scrimmer system. So I was planning on picking up a 16 channel relay board, and wiring it up with the output to the lights on the common terminal and the input from the console on the NC terminals. Then I plan to feed 10v into the NO terminal. My original idea was to simply make a momentary button board that activates the relays and just rake the buttons with my hand - overriding the slider voltage and causing the lights to flash full intensity..
But then I started thinking that I might be able to use an Arduino to activate the relays - to where I can press one button and it will do 5 seconds of totally random flashing then stop and wait for the next button press.
However, I know NOTHING of programming. Is there some kind soul out there who would be willing to write this up for me and help out the arts?
Thanks for anything you can help with!