Light Sensor + sound

I'm trying to create a program for a microcontroller project. I've written most of the code but am stuck on how to get it to all function together. Essentially what I am doing is using a potentiometer, a photoresistor, 2 LED's, and a small piezoelectric speaker.

What i am doing is comparing voltage between PR and pots to control when sound will play and what LED will light up. I've written separate programming allowing the LED's to function as intended, but when i incorporate the void note function it will only allow either the idle LED to be on or for the alarm LED and speaker to play. I've used a if and else if statements. I can't figure out how to get it all to run smoothly. Any input would be much appreciated

This is a beginner Microcontroller class so everything is pretty basic.

I've written most of the code

Your big mistake.

You should write a little code, then test. Then write a little more then test.

but when i incorporate the void note function

Lets get thing right, it is not called the void note function, it is called the note function. Void is not part of its name it is the value it returns.

I can't figure out how to get it all to run smoothly.

And you have the code to look at. What chance does anyone else stand trying to spot your error without the code you have. Does it use the delay function, that is what trips most beginners up?

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Post you code correctly - it tells you how in the rules so we will know if you can't be arsed reading them.

In the mean time read this:-