Hi. I'm new to Arduino, but not to programming.
I have a project in mind, using a strip of this
and using an Arduino to flash the LEDs, sequentially, from on end to the other, and then back again. This would need to be externally controllable, ie Start/Stop and speed controllable, and colour as a possible fancy extra.
First, is this even doable with an Arduino installation, and second is it comparatively easy?
Thanks in advance.
Any advice gratefully received.
First, is this even doable with an Arduino installation, and second is it comparatively easy?
It should be super easy once you understand how to use the library. You can make any pattern/sequence you can imagine (as long as you don't run out of memory).
Reading a switch, button, or pot is even easier and there are [u]examples here[/u]. (The same examples are built into the IDE.)
Use a button or switch for start/stop
Use a potentiometer for speed
Use buttons or a potentiometer for color changing
I've done the first and third with a single distance sensor. Adding a gesture for speed (that was not applicable to my project) would be a challenge, but it's possible