Lights turn on with sounds from speakers?????

I'm very new to arduino and electronics in general. I'm taking a college art course that is based on mechanics. For my first project I want to create something that responses to sound.

My idea:
Have several lights (maybe 6) attached to an arduino. Each light would be attached by a differnt sensor of some sort. each sensor would read a differnt pitch in the sound causeing 1 or 2 of the lights to come on at a time. I want actual light bulbs and not LEDs

Any idea how to do this? Is there a code that already exhists. Suggestiongs on materials. I need to do this ASAP but I'm not sure were to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think you simplest bet is to get hold of a filter chip that splits the audio band into 7 bands:-
Then control the lights with some solid state relays. However you are playing with mains here so I would get advice before you actually turn anything on on the output side.

Thank you- those look like good instructions. Althogh I will probably still struggles a lot. I think I will just us LEDs to make things easier. What are solid state relays?
Thank you so much.

Anyone else have more to add to this?
Thank you

There are alot of ways to do things in electronics with simpler circuits than use the Arduino, and I have learned that Grumpy Mike is definitively the guy to listen to when it comes to any circuit whether with Arduino or with out.

Since Arduino is a stepping stone into electronics for alot of people there are 30 dollar US ( or more ) solutions to things you can do for 5 dollar circuits.

But thats the fun of Arduino is it lets you do things when you couldn't before.

Heres a link to a blog post on just such a project Arduino and BlinkM Sound Visualizer It is sort of what your trying to do from your description, I hope it helps ya down the path on your project.

Also search google for "VU-Meter" or "light organ" those are similar circuits and the terms for what your trying to build.


What are solid state relays?