Lilygo TTGO Nextion compatibility

I'm trying to get GPS speed from my LilyGo TTGO T-Beam M8N to be displayed on a nextion intelligent. Connecting the Nextion directly to the serial(0) doesnt seem to do anything.
I'm pretty sure it's because of the ESP32 architecture. I also can't find another serial port which is used by the Iteadlib Nextion library.
Any idea's what to do?

post your code.

Serial0 is used to program the ESP32m Use another hardware serial port.

I can't seem to find another hardware serial.
Pin 12 and 34 are for serial but they are for the GPS sensor.

Yea, that board posted is pretty crippled with available GPIO pins.

You can define a hardware serial port to use.

#include <HardwareSerial.h>

HardwareSerial LIDARSerial ( 2 );

voided setup()
  LIDARSerial.begin ( SerialDataBits, SERIAL_8N1, 26, 25 );


GPS_Example_Working_on_Lilygo_TTgo.ino (3.0 KB)
I'm getting every GPS data on the serial monitor.
And i have the code setup so that it changes the value on the nextion to 20, as a test.
But it stays at 0.

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