what is the common practice for limit switches on a cnc machine using arduino+cnc shield
NO ot NC as my software cant detect them when they are connected
I have them wired up as Normally open (NO) and software is the openbuilds control
and input would be welcomed
Most are N.O.
If the wire breaks, however, there is no error detection
N.C. on the other hand can detect an open wire, however, not a shorted wire.
A N.O. with a parallel 1k resistor (for supervision) (or N.C. with series 1k) is a good option; an analog input would be used . . .
Common practice is no limit switches. Use a switch to indicate the ZERO position of each axis. The CNC code should know what the limit is for each axis in number of steps from zero.
- Limit switches can be dual function, the Start switch and the Crash switch.
Limit switches have contacts which will corrode in time. Unless rated for dry switching they need some current so they will clean themselves. I use a minimum of 1 mA through the contact prefer more if possible. Switch configuration was determined by the actual application.
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