Line following robot does not work even with code

I am making a line following, obstacle avoiding robot for my science fair but it does not seem to work even with the codes I found on youtube and websites.

The problem is that non of my team mates know coding and the one who said he can bring someone is turning out to be a no show. So now we are stuck with a robot that can do nothing. Our robot has:

  1. Two IR sensors to keep it on line
  2. An ultrasound sensor faced forward to sense obstacles
  3. Arduino uno
  4. L293D motor shield
  5. Two motors
  6. Three 9v batteries connected in parallel

If any kind soul can find it in them to help us... please do.

Maybe if you posted the code you've tried, a schematic, along with observations as to how it fails to meet your expectations, we may be able to help

You are joking about the three 9 volt batteries in parallel, aren't you?


it does not seem to work even with the codes I found on youtube and websites.

No surprises there.

This is quite a difficult problem, if you know nothing about how the robot works or about programming, which makes it nearly impossible for forum members to help.

Is this robot built from a kit? There's a lot of different kits out there with similar specifications. All of the good ones come with some example code that will make the robot do something basic, such as following a line.

If you can't find an example for your exact kit, find one that's close and carefully check the pin numbers that each sensor and motor is connected to. It should not take long to modify existing code by just updating the pin numbers.