I´m working on a project using an arduino uno and an encoder sensor. I have seen the wiring diagram for the rotary encoders and I watched that this encoder has only three pins: ground, A and B signal pins.
In my case I received an encoder with five cable connections: white and black for 0 and 24 V respectively; Red, green and yellow are A, B and Z signals respectively.
My question is..... How do I should connect the encoder to my arduino??
You really should try and locate a datasheet for your encoder and post it here for real help and suggestions. As it's a 24vdc operated encoder you will most likely have to convert 24vdc A and B signals to 5vdc signals that the arduino can operate with safely. Again the datasheet is the best next step.
Thanks for your reply!!
I found the datasheet of the sensor, even though I don´t understand how to connect it.
Could help me to understand it??? (in the attached file)
Thanks for your reply!!
I found the datasheet of the sensor, even though I don´t understand how to connect it.
Could help me to understand it??? (in the attached file)
That appears to be just a picture of the encoder, where is the link to it's datasheet?
Sorry but that is not a complete datasheet just a product information sheet which does not give the details of what exact model and options your unit has. In that product sheet it states that output options can be any of:
voltage, current, push-pull, long-line drive output, open collector
So which yours has will determine what electrical methods and components your will require to safely wire it to an arduino. The A and B signals will of course be the standard quadrature output signals to give you rotational and directional information. A Z signal is a one pulse per revolution of the encoder disk signal that can be used to extract RPM speed information or just as a index reference to keep track of actual shaft position angle at an given time when combined with the A and B signals in your software routines.
From the company they said: "the encoder output is push pull"....
Ok, and at what voltage levels do the A, B, and Z output signals operate at? Unless you can get a copy of the complete datasheet I think we will be playing this answer/question/answer/question game for longer then either of us can handle. Between the complete exact model number printed on your device and it's datasheet, it is all so simple, but without, not so simple. If the output signals are switching from 0 to +24vdc you will have to wire two series resistor voltage dividers for each signal you want to use, A, B, Z, so that the signals will swing from 0 to +5vdc that arduino input pins can handle. After that it's just another quad encoder to deal with in software.
From the company they said: "the encoder output is push pull"....
Ok, and at what voltage levels do the A, B, and Z output signals operate at? Unless you can get a copy of the complete datasheet I think we will be playing this answer/question/answer/question game for longer then either of us can handle. Between the complete exact model number printed on your device and it's datasheet, it is all so simple, but without, not so simple. If the output signals are switching from 0 to +24vdc you will have to wire two series resistor voltage dividers for each signal you want to use, A, B, Z, so that the signals will swing from 0 to +5vdc that arduino input pins can handle. After that it's just another quad encoder to deal with in software.
Hi, finally I received the datasheet. The encoder output is pushpull, the electrical spec...second column for my encoder. Check the attached file please.