hello every one, can some one tell me how to linearization 50k -10 rotation multiturn to degree in one of the swivel ranges.?? because I don't know how to do it first, and cannot found in google ..
Hi shofiudin,
I don't understand
what is a "50k-10 multiturn" ?
what do you mean by "swivel-range"?
you wrote "in one of the swivel-ranges" that implies everybody knows what swivelranges do exist.
How shall a multiturn-rotation be "linearisated" into degrees?
to be honest Your post is an ideal example for
If you want to speed up things to the fastest. In reallity you slow it down to the lowest possible speed.
please take time to explain with a lot of more words = 100 to 150 words what you want to do.
best regards Stefan
int position = analogRead(PotPin);
const long DegreesInTenTurns = 360L * 10L;
long positionInDegrees = map(position, 0, 1024, 0, DegreesInTenTurns);
Hi shofiudin,I don't understand
what is a "50k-10 multiturn" ?
what do you mean by "swivel-range"?
you wrote "in one of the swivel-ranges" that implies everybody knows what swivelranges do exist.
How shall a multiturn-rotation be "linearisated" into degrees?
to be honest Your post is an ideal example for
If you want to speed up things to the fastest. In reallity you slow it down to the lowest possible speed.
please take time to explain with a lot of more words = 100 to 150 words what you want to do.
best regards Stefan
50k ohm 10 rotation multiturn potensio (like picture attachment). I'm looking for how to line up one of the 10 rotation to be changed to degrees .. can i do it? what should i do?
Do you mean that, although your potentiometer can be rotated 10 full times, you want to use only one rotation, say for example, the first rotation 0 to 5k, ignoring the other 9 rotations, and from that range of 0 to 5k, derive an angle in the range of 0 to 360 degrees ?
I'm looking for how to line up one of the 10 rotation to be changed to degrees .. can i do it? what should i do?
This will calculate an angle from 0 to 359 degrees for each turn.
unsigned int degrees = ((analogRead(PotPin) * 3600L) / 1024) % 360;
Seems like a rotary encode would be a better choice.
Seems like a rotary encoder would be a better choice.
The pot gives an absolute angle. Most encoders, particularly the inexpensive ones, are relative quadrature encoders and need to be turned to a 'home' position before they can provide an absolute angle.