LiPo Fuel Gage, multiple cells

Hi everyone, again! This community has been great helping me with a couple of issues as I start out exploring the world of Arduino a little more.

The project I'm working on needs a 15V supply for an actuator and I'm using 4 x LiPo cells with a regulator. That's all good. What I'd like to do is run with a Fuel Gauge to monitor the battery voltage and SoC on each cell (if they're all healthy they should be balanced but you never know...).

I tried using the MAX17048 Fuel Gauge and for the individual cells that works great. However when I connect the cells in series I am now shorting them to GND inside the Fuel Gauge due to the CTG pin being connected to GHD (as shown below). This ends up getting shorted to GND when multiple QWIIC connectors are used and the MUX board.

Has anyone ever successfully managed to get this working? I was hoping there was an option to have the battery under test isolated from the rest of the circuit but it appears not...

On monitoring battery "stacks":

I think you can do something with Op-Amps, since they can work 5as voltage subtractors

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