Liquid Crystal I2C Display only display the "H"of Hello

Hi All,

I have been learning to display the word Hello on my new 2 x 16 LCD display with I2C communication.

I have read a number of tutorials and managed to display just the first letter of Hello. It as if the code does not move the cursor after printing the first letter to print the next letter and so on.

I did get it to display them right but then I had to do this;


So i typed out each letter and printed them separately. This way to much work and it will be a nightmare to break each word up in this way.

Can one of you please be so kind to assist me with this.

This is what my code look like;

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display
void setup()

  • lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd*
  • lcd.backlight();*
  • lcd.home();*
  • lcd.print("Hello");*

void loop()

  • // Print a message to the LCD.*


Hello and welcome. Please read the forum rules before posting again. You should use code tags when you post code. It is the </> icon and makes your code appear like this
Edit your post above and use the tags, so we know you have understood.

If the cursor was not moving, you would see only the "o" of hello, not the "H". Give is a link to the lcd module you have. There is an icon for links too! Also give is the link to the page where you downloaded the lcd library, and tell us what version of the Arduino ide you are using.


try using

instead of lcd.home and see if that changes anything