LiquidCrystal 16x4 error

I found that with HD4478xx LCD with more than 2 lines the line 3 and 4 are displayed incorrectly. void LiquidCrystal::setCursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t row) seems to display (0,3) at (4,3) for some reason so I changed the Library to display correctly those rows. At the function void LiquidCrystal::setCursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t row) just add " if ( row > 1 ) { col = col-4;} " before the "command(LCD_SETDDRAMADDR | (col + row_offsets[row]));".
Is there anyone that complains of the same behaviour or is it just me and my LCDs 16x4????

IIRC, a 16x4 LCD is the same as 2 "interleaved" 16x2 displays; the "first display" is lines 1 and 3, the second display is lines 2 and 4...?

I think.


have you tried using the liquidcrystal440 library? New updated library which is better for 20x4 and I think stuff has been improved for the 16x4 as well.



You have rediscovered one of the few flaws in the new LiquidCrystal library that was introduced with v0017. The library currently treats all multi-row displays identically and does not account for the fact that the first address for rows 3 and 4 differs between the 20x4 and the 16x4 displays.

Check out:

For information about LCD addressing check out the LCD Addressing link at


Does anyone have a patch for this? If so, can you post it in the Google Code issues list: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.?

Does anyone have a patch for this?


I believe that John Raines could whip one up fairly easily since he fixed the problem in his recent "Enhanced LiquidCrystal" library (

He will probably see this thread but I will send him an Email to make sure.


LiquidCrystal440 fixes that bug, a bug that appears if you scroll the display and then setCursor and also fixed a timing issue that I had with one LCD needing a little longer startup delay than is in the standard LiquidCrystal routine. The 4 data pin version is about 30% faster than the standard routine as well, because the standard routine has an unneeded delay between data nibbles. You can download it at

If there is a need for a version that doesn't fix one of those bugs or doesn't support the 4x40 LCD displays, I can come up with a separate version, but its not obvious to me why one would want that.


I think they are trying to keep the official LiquidCrystal relatively simple so they don't want a complete rewrite with a lot of new features. What they do want to do is to fix what is already there.

It is my opinion that a major improvement would be to set the default configuration for a 16x2 rather than the current 16x1. Almost every display out there would function adequately with this configuration. The only exceptions that I can think of are the aforementioned 16x4 display and some 16x1 displays (most are actually 8x2 internally). I believe this can be done by changing exactly 1 byte of code.
