There is an incompatibility with the Libary: "LiquidCrystal_I2C", the libary only works on Arduino IDE version: 1.0.6 . When I use the new builds to compile, the display fails by printing all chars.
Whats the reason?
You will need to specify which LiquidCrystal_I2C library, there are several with the same name, and none that I am aware of that are incompatible with the current IDE. Are you certain you have the current version of the library? What specific error message are you getting?
Have you enabled verbose output during compilation under file -> preferences in the IDE? Does it show any warnings?
Can you show a simple example code that shows the behaviour. And tell us which library your are using (as mentioned before, the are 1001 of those LiquidCrystal_I2C libraries.
The best library (in the opinion of many) is the HD44780 by Bill Perry; it's in the library manager.