List of threads in which I've posted?

Have I missed a way to get a list of all threads to which I've contributed at least one post? As distinct from the list of every post that My Posts delivers.

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+1 that would be great.

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Profile Avatar (upper right, near tic-tac-toe) >> profile (human) >> activity

That shows a list of all your posts rather than a list of topics which you have participated in

Maybe this?




I have multiple post in the first result (TO), and others, but the thread synopsis is shown but once.

Thanks, but trying a search for terrypin showed only about half as many of the threads I started, a statistic from my profile summary. I’m guessing I participated in many more.

However that’s a good start. Seems to be in no obvious sequence?

That would be in your profile under activity/topics instead of activity/all. Unique participated seems to be in activity/replies (but might miss opening posts, not sure).

I think that one needs to add an @ sign before the name in the search box. Below the result when one clicks the "more' at the bottom.

This is easy enough go to your profile, and select Activity and topics

This is the list of topics I have started.

That does work more better!

In what way?

This is Terrypin's posts started:-

@sterretje , @Grumpy_Mike
Thanks both, that’s the one. Convenient date order too.
I’d just used Activity>Replies when I posted the above. In my case that’s the closest I’ve got so far, although need to check which threads it might exclude. Possibly those I started but had no further posts by me? Easy to test.

You might also want the topics in which TerryPin participated, not only the ones that he started :wink:

On closer examination Activity>Topics is in some unknown order. Whereas Replies is in date order, but excludes threads started.

EDIT: However, I can be pretty sure that I always post at least once more in any thread I started, so Replies cuts the mustard for me.

EDIT; Duh, overlooked the obvious! That would do what it says, namely show ALL replies. So Activity>Topics is best so far.

Hmmm. Now I'm not so sure. At first glance it looked like just the screen name returned threads started. That doesn't actually seem to be the case.


Did you try yours? A search here for @terrypin showed the oldest post as April 2022. But I’ve been posting since May 2019 (to my surprise!).

It indeed stopped early with the message

So that approach does not quite work.

Must increase my caffeine intake or something. Just realised I raised same question a mere four months ago!
So looks like no such facility available. Would be a very handy new feature IMO.

Prompted yesterday by trying to search the ‘nano clones’ thread, but there have been frequent occasions when I’ve found it hard work scrolling through My Posts or Topics.

Possibly one approach could use Search with AND and OR functionality?

In the DB you have posted in 1,909 posts across 431 public topics starting from 2019-05-27.

You should use the advanced search filters for this.

The selector in:posted should be enough for your use case.
Manually add in:all_topics if you want to include both PMs and topics in the search results and before:DATE and/or after:DATE if you want to filter the search before or after a certain date. You can manually write both selectors in the search field and the results will be included within a range of dates

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Does only work at the first impression. Default sorting "by Relevance" does a good thing on hiding duplcates at first sight, but when I scroll down I find them - same with the other sorting options, they are just a little more inefficient in hiding thread duplicates.