Little help with sscanf_P + PSTR

Hi - feel kind of lame posting this but I'm a bit over my head and getting giddy from the lack of oxygen...

Trying to convert some code to work in Arduino and I am stumped on what this line does:

sscanf_P(scratchpad, PSTR("%f"), &fx);
  • scratchpad is an array of type char
  • fx is a float - so &fx is a reference to fx

Digging around I have found this:

int sscanf_P (const char * __buf, const char * __fmt, ...)
Variant of sscanf() using a fmt string in program memory.

And this:

#define PSTR ( s ) ((const PROGMEM char *)(s))
Used to declare a static pointer to a string in program space.

but I still can't figure out what is being done here.
-what is "%f"?
-what is fmt? format?



this line of code scans the buffer scratchpad for float variable and stores it in the variable fx.

The first parameter is a pointer to a buffer (array) of char. The second parameter is the format of the data to look for in the buffer, the next parameters are pointers to the expected data. For example:

scratchpad = "value 12.3 Test";
char s[10];
float a;

int n = sscanf_P(scratchpad,PSTR("value %f %s"),&a,s);

n holds 2 (two variables scanned
f holds 12.3
s holds Test


thanks - that's very helpful.

Beyond the scope of my question - but it's odd that this code snippet is scanning for floats-

sscanf_P(scratchpad, PSTR("%f"), &fx);

scratchpad is declared as an array of type char:

char scratchpad[64];

and is used to store chars read from serial input. I am assuming the code works - but what I get is '0.00' - since there are no floats in scratchpad.