Little project based on Arduino

I'm thinking about making a project with only one I/O connection (or maybe a couple).
The point is, using an Arduino board would be a waste of pins/energy...wouldn't it?
Is there an easy way to use the power of Arduino (IDE, bootloader(?) etc...) to make this project?
Is there an article/tutorial where to start?
Keep in mind that I'm not familiar with such things butI have some basic knowledge of electronics.

Thanks in advance.


You may want to try an ATtiny chip. Here is a tutorial:
It does require some external components though.

Can use a small version of arduino

or surface mount

If you have an Arduino Uno or similar the tiny's are perfect for such a small project.
The only components you need beside the Attiny is a 10mF capacitor (and maybe a 10 kohm resistor)
You can download the core for Attiny 45/85 here:

And for the even smaller Attiny13

Thanks you all for your great - and quick - help!
That was really appreciated!
It appears simplier than expected, I think I'm going to follow the Attiny way.
Just one more question. Is it possible to add Ethernet/Wifi capability in a similar simple way?