live OV7670

Hello. So I am a complete newbie anything that's related to arduino. So i found a project online which i want too use for personal uses. Bu i keep getting error.

Arduino: 1.8.9 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"

C:\Users\Redos\AppData\Local\Temp\cckVfmYw.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function `setup':

C:\Users\Redos\Desktop\New folder (7)\LiveOV7670-master\src\LiveOV7670/LiveOV7670.ino:13: undefined reference to `initializeScreenAndCamera()'

C:\Users\Redos\AppData\Local\Temp\cckVfmYw.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function `loop':

C:\Users\Redos\Desktop\New folder (7)\LiveOV7670-master\src\LiveOV7670/LiveOV7670.ino:18: undefined reference to `processFrame()'

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

If only you had posted the code that causes the error

read this before posting a programming question

PM from the OP

what do you mean didint post the error?

Please read what I wrote more carefully. The error messages are meaningless because you didn't post the code that causes the error