Live Video transmission 200 metr on radio

Hello. I have a problem with a project. The problem is that I want to transmit the live stream (live video) from the camera to another place within 200 meters. The system will work like this, the video from the camera will come and then it will be transmitted to another receiver with a radio module. Then it will be reflected on a 3.5/4 inch TFT LCD screen.

I would like to ask you which camera for this project, (The camera can be a standard ESP32cam camera or other OVO cameras. The image quality would be 30fps 340x420 pixels. ) which radio module (for example LoRa as far as I know) and which card (Arduino Uno , Mega or Rasperyy 4) should I use.
I look forward to your answers

help me....

You can drop UNO and Mega. A Raspberry would likely manage. Check various radio links for their capacity....

Has no bearing on the radio transmission. You need to convert to BYTES and then BYTES PER SECOND. Then you have a parameter to use while looking for radio devices,

LoRa has not at all sufficient capacity.
Are your transmitter and receiver in line of sight?
Then wifi might work (with directed antennas).
RF modules can make the range, but you would need to calculate whether you can put your data through sufficiently fast.

Maybe check modules for drones?

Two WiFi access points configured as a point to point link, digital CCTV camera.

It would be far easier and almost certainly cheaper, to just buy something intended for the purpose. :roll_eyes:

But how do I know how many bytes per second it should transfer :no_mouth:

Since I will be using this system in a mountainous area, we can't talk about any WiFi network. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don't understand that comment, I'm not saying WiFi is the correct solution, but I can't see why being in a mountainous area necessarily precludes it.

Live digital video is not a stream. IT is individual frames of pixel data. Look at the camera documentation to see the number of bytes of data per frame. That times the number of frames per second tells you how many bytes per second you need to transmit.

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