Lm35dz temperature goes down with increase in heat

I have an Arduino Uno with an LM35DZ connected to A2. The LM35DZ is powered from the +5v of the Arduino board. The temperature reading is close to what I would expect, but when I hold the sensor between my fingers, the temperature calculation goes down, and when I release it, the calculation goes up, as if the voltage output is inversely proportional to temperature instead of directly proportional.
Is this supposed to be?

CurrentTempC = analogRead(A2) * 5.0 / 1024.0 * 100.0; //0.01v/C
CurrentTempF = round((CurrentTempC * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0);

if (digitalRead(XMT))
Serial.print("temp: ");
Serial.println(" F");

Anyone have any ideas?

Anyone have any ideas?


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There's been a rash of counterfeits lately, plain TO92 transistors relabeled LM35, but that don't make sense if it reads ambient temperature correctly. What does your DMM show (should be close to 10mV / degree C, 250mV for 25C). Do you have a spare to try? Where did you get them?