hello guys
i am planing to make 5x10 led audio visulizer...
can i use lm3915 as out put from arduino as it support 10 led bar
i can use fft program to filter frequncies in arduino and send output to individual lm3915 for that particular bar..
is it possible coz i havent work with arduino..
The problem with feeding an Arduino output to the LM3915 is that Arduino only does PWM, which you then have to filter to turn into an analog voltage.
Instead of doing that, why not use shift registers to drive the LEDs directly? There are lots of examples available, both posted here and stored in the Playground area, for doing that. You can use a simple table lookup to translate the input levels to exactly the number of LEDs you want.
I think I've seen some examples of people doing an FFT or similar transform on the Arduino. If you use the "Search" box at the top of the page, you'll probably find some.
thankx ran every day i learn more..
today ... shift resister.. and credit goes to you
thank you.....