Hi all!
I am stuck with SPI communications with temperature sensor LM95071. Let me explain the case.
First, I have designed an Arduino Due shield that includes the thermometer and a potentiometer. Both communicate with the arduino board using 3-wire SPI. For this reason, I connected the MISO pin directly to the components SDIO. MOSI is connected to SDIO using a 10kohm resistor.
The issue comes when I try to read data from the thermometer, because using
uint8_t T_data1 = SPI.transfer(0);
means writing some data to the MOSI port, and as a consequence I am unable to read data from the sensor (remember that MISO and MOSI are shared at the sensor part).
My question is: is there any instruction that allows reading the sensor without having to write on the MOSI line? An idea would mean to code my own version of the SPI that does not involve writing MOSI line (and that would mean writing the SPI reserved pins, which would be a new question for the forum )
Thank you very much for your help!