Load Cells reading contactless

The project is a system to be able to read a weight on several unpowered scales.
The scales are made with HX711 and load cell(s) only, no power supply can be embedded. They are not wired with the Arduino (Nano) and not connector can be installed.

Is there a way to get the "telemetered" data from HX711? User comes with a box (Arduino+Battery power supply) close to a scale and reads the weight, then goes to the next scale etc..

Maybe it's SCI-FI?


(attached a picture of the idea)




That would be an invention, a telemetry device transmitting information without having any power.
How do You intend to do that?
As far as I can see the answer is: NO.

Try putting a mechanical pointer on the scale and determine its position and consequently the weight with a camera. If you allow some movement on the scale they convert that into enough electricity to send the data.

RFID readers work by transmitting energy to the tag upon which the tag sends back data wirelessly. But that's rocket science, nothing for an electronics newbie.

An HX711 would need more energy than an RFID could deliver. But a wireless charging system may provide enough. Maybe not as fast as needed, though.

What about something like induction (QI technology: cell phone are charged contactless no?) that could provide enough power to the HX711... but maybe not enough for a radio transmiter...

It can be made work, somehow. But not everybody can do that.

It appears that everyone can now do wireless power transfer. Adafruit has a number of choices: Power, Inductive Chargers Products Category on Adafruit Industries Here's a cheap one:

That's interesting!
Have to check if generated power is sufficient


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