I have been working a lot with Solenoids and wondered if there was anyway to eliminate the computer, so basically have a bootloader/script that starts up when you put the power on.
I literally have no idea where I start, whether it's as easy as loading a script onto the chip or having a USB drive with an OS on it.
So you want the arduino to power up & control the solenoids, running them in some pattern, or in response to button pushes, switch/microswitch closures, etc?
Doesn't sound too difficult on the surface. You may need the arduiono to control some external components, transistors & such, depending on the current draw and voltage rating on the solenoids.
Is there any logical way to eliminating the computer?
Sure there is. Presumably you are mentioning a PD patch because PureData is somehow involved in deciding what the Arduino is to do. Make the Arduino aware of the same inputs that the PD patch is (though that might be difficult if the inputs are coming from the hard drive, the mouse, or the keyboard). Make the Arduino make the same decisions as the PD patch currently makes for the Arduino.
I basically want it to work like a machine, you flip a switch, it starts up and does it's thing.
You need to tell us a lot more about what the PD patch is doing, and what the Arduino is getting from PD.
Okay, what do you need to know? Screenshots of the patch? About the circuit I presume?
It has been a while since I had it up and running, it was a project from last year, but I plan to use it again in some way for my last year of Uni basically.
Yes, the data is coming from Pure Data, I have a few different patches that are based on different things, however these don't require any input from a MIDI device such a keyboard (yet maybe...) They just open up and start.