Is there a bootloader on the chip? It may not have one depending on where you got it from.
If not then you will need to use an ISP programmer to put a bootloader on it. If you have another Arduino you could use ArduinoISP sketch to burn the bootloader.
Is there a bootloader on the chip? It may not have one depending on where you got it from.
If not then you will need to use an ISP programmer to put a bootloader on it. If you have another Arduino you could use ArduinoISP sketch to burn the bootloader.
You are right, I thought of that also and used Nick gammon guide and loaded bootloader using his guid and still nothing....
I can't see the full board in the picture, but I am assuming you are powering both busses on the breadboard, right? What kind of power are you supplying to the board?
I can't see the full board in the picture, but I am assuming you are powering both busses on the breadboard, right? What kind of power are you supplying to the board?
I have electronic circuit with Max chip which boost 3v to 5v. I wired the minus output of this circuit to GND of the ftdi board and to the minus row of the breadboard. The plus output I wired to the + row of the breadboard
For simplicity you can lose the reset button entirely. Also what value is that pull up resistor? It should be sufficiently large that the FTDI board can pull the pin low... 1k ohms or larger is usual there.
For simplicity you can lose the reset button entirely. Also what value is that pull up resistor? It should be sufficiently large that the FTDI board can pull the pin low... 1k ohms or larger is usual there.
What error are you seeing?
the pullup resistor is 10k and i tried without the reset button as well.
i saw in some forums that people uses 1k-10k resistor is series with the Tx-Rx. you recommend doing that?
if yes so to both of them or only to one of them?
I have never tried nor needed resistors on RX & tx. Are there transmit LEDs showing activity on the FTDI board, and what error are you setting?
Hello Geoff,
i see the Tx led on on board flicks then i see this message: "Binary sketch size: 1,084 bytes (of a 30,720 byte maximum)"
then nothing happen for a couple of seconds then this message appear in orange: "avrdud: stk500_getsync(): not in sync resp=0x00"
There are so many things that can cause that but the bottom line is your ATmega isn't responding. Since you know that it is a good IC since you were able to load the bootloader that leaves the FTDI breakout as you suggest, or almost any aspect of the setup on that board.
Can you take a better photo of the actual board as it is when you're trying this, including the connections back to the FTDI, power etc? Let's see what we can see...
Since you used Nick Gammons bootloader programmer, it should have loaded the Optiboot bootloader onto your ATmega328P. You probably should be selecting Uno board type with the IDE. Which board type are you selecting from the IDE?
There are so many things that can cause that but the bottom line is your ATmega isn't responding. Since you know that it is a good IC since you were able to load the bootloader that leaves the FTDI breakout as you suggest, or almost any aspect of the setup on that board.
Can you take a better photo of the actual board as it is when you're trying this, including the connections back to the FTDI, power etc? Let's see what we can see...
attached three photos of my set up. i powered the chip with booster (you can see it on the top) as i mantioned i wired the common form the booster to the GND of the breadboard and the GND of the FTDI board.
Why are you even bothering with a bootloader for a standalone chip? It's easy enough to use your Arduino (I assume you have one) as an ICSP, include a 6-pin ICSP header in your standalone design and program the target chip using ICSP. You don't need the FTDI converter, and you can use atmeg328p-pu chips without the bootloader, which are cheaper than chips with the bootloader already installed. See Prototyping small embedded projects with Arduino | David Crocker's Solutions blog.
Why are you even bothering with a bootloader for a standalone chip? It's easy enough to use your Arduino (I assume you have one) as an ICSP, include a 6-pin ICSP header in your standalone design and program the target chip using ICSP. You don't need the FTDI converter, and you can use atmeg328p-pu chips without the bootloader, which are cheaper than chips with the bootloader already installed. See Prototyping small embedded projects with Arduino | David Crocker's Solutions blog.
I'm not familiar with ICSP programming... I will read the link you attached.
Thank you,