Hello everyone!
I'm building my own Sim Racing pedalset with loadcell brake and an arduino pro micro. I used the ina122p as an amp and the circuit on page 9 picture 5 from the datasheet. Also used a 1K resistor on pins 1 and 8 and a 220nf depoupling cap. My problem is that the output voltage on pin 6 is always 4.58 V what ever I do. Can someone help?
It would help us help you if you include the data you refere to.
Datasheet ina122p Thats the datasheet
How about your schematic and details of the load cell?
With 1k between pin 1 and 8 the gain of the INA122 is about 200x.
25mV difference between pin 2 and 3 will drive the output of the amp to the supply rail.
Make sure the bridge is well ballanced.
Maybe you should try first with a 10k resistor (25x), or no resistor at all (5x).
The loadcell i used is a regular 4 wire 100kg load cell
Sorry but I basically measured the Vout wrong. But It now sticks to 2.5 Volts.
With Vref connected to ground, output voltage should be close to zero.
Does the 2.5volt go up when you push the pedal.
Are you able to get the voltage close to zero when bending the load cell the other way.
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