I have been running a program, that took me a 69 year old learner, a good time to get right, that displays text on a wheel with just eight leds in a row called POV. It has worked great and I have found I can change text as long as I have 64 lines followed by a comma with the last one not having a comma.
All of a sudden I am getting a #declare fault . I have not declare the rows of text.
the line before the text states that.
The program starts after declaring ( 8 ) (64) {
then my rows of B11111000, are inserted as long as the 1s are put in string of 5 I can display text. It is binary that when I realised was fantastic and a breakthrough for me.
that shows the letter L when the wheel is spun. (look at the B rows sideways.)
Any ideas why it says I have not declared when I have been running the program with various texts as long as I have 64 lines. The reason its 64 is that is the number of segments the wheel was divided into in the beginning, each one is the row of eight leds, the 1 being lit when the wheel is passing that segment and the 0 the led is unlit.
Any ideas please, I am getting frustrated now.
Peter Young.
I am getting a #declare fault
Never heard of one of those.
Please post your code and the actual error message you see.