Local / Remote / Git sketch handling

Situation: Sketch with 5 Tabs. I would like to create a new version.
Current solution: Save as "new version" -> Saves the new version locally.
Problem: How upload the sketch with all the tabs to the cloud?

The IDE 2.02 added the "New Remote Sketch" which creates a new empty sketch in the cloud.

  1. I can add the files locally and then push.
  2. I can go to the web editor and import and pull afterwards.


  • Is there a solution like: "Create a new remote sketch named after the local one and upload all the local tabs"?
  • Is there a cool way to integrate a cloudy "real" git, e.g. over github for versioning? So one setup runs on all my computers and not just on the one with local git.
  • The web editor upgrade plan says" The number of days your historical data will be stored in Arduino IoT Cloud". Is that git or just a daily backup? IMHO days are not very usefull, versions or generally git functionality would be cool to enable (purchase)

Thx for all your work.

PS: Still missing:

  • Basic search/trigger/pop out functionality in the serial monitor.
  • Split screen for edit the sketch on different positions in paralell

Hi @intstarep. Thanks for your interest in the Arduino IDE remote sketchbook feature!

If you are hoping for a way to do this via the Arduino IDE GUI, the answer is: not at this time. You must decide from the start whether the sketch will be a regular sketch or a "remote sketch".

It is possible to do it manually though:

  1. Select File > New Remote Sketch from the Arduino IDE menus.
  2. Give the new sketch the name of the local sketch.
  3. Select Sketch > Show Sketch Folder from the Arduino IDE menus.
    This will open the folder that contains the new remote sketch in your file browser.
  4. Copy the contents of the local sketch to the folder that contains the new remote sketch

You will now see the new content of the remote sketch in Arduino IDE. You can push it to your Arduino Cloud sketchbook as you like.

There is no feature equivalent to GitHub in Arduino Cloud. We already have GitHub and it is great so it is better for Arduino to focus on creating new things of value to the Arduino community instead of duplicating a well established existing service.

It is neither. This is not about sketches. It is about the data you send to your Arduino IoT Cloud dashboard from your Arduino IoT Cloud Thing. For example, maybe you have set up a Thing that sends barometric pressure readings to an Arduino IoT Cloud dashboard. The barometric pressure data will be accessible as far back as x number of days.

GitHub is free.

This feature request is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

I'm not sure I understood correctly what you mean by this. Please provide a more detailed description to help me to understand it.

This feature request is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

This feature request is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to the issues of interest to get notifications of any new developments related to that subject.

Thx a bunch for your answer and explanations about the state of the remote functionality in the IDE now.

It would be nice to have the possibility to set a trigger word eg "DX1-Low" and then play a tone or a stop in the serial monitor roll. So it would be possible to set that trigger word in the sketch and if the trigger word is sent over serial -> alarm. It's just a idea.

Agree. It would be nice to integrate GitHub in the WebSketch, eg. the possibility to enter a GitHub remote URL in your account on the WebCode (similar what they did in Visual Studio Code). That would combine the power if WebSketch and GitHub. Otherwise (if i get you right) i have to setup Git localy with a GitHub remote and proceed the Push/Pull etc. on my local machine)

Already on the tracking list.(Cpt. Holzschnauz)

Again: Thx for you effort & have a happy holiday!

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