Locating an object on a plane?

I'm working out the basics of a project I want to do. Basically think of it as an inductive charging mat, but I want it to light up where the phone to be charged is placed. I would like to be able to locate the object's x,y coordinates on a thin flat surface.

Is there any slick way to do this?

Thanks all in advance

You could line it with pressure sensors. Basically creating a large, low resolution, touchscreen

I like that. That's a good idea. Is there any way to triangulate position with three RFID sensors or something of that nature?

Why is it important to have the position and orientation?

I like that. That's a good idea. Is there any way to triangulate position with three RFID sensors or something of that nature?

ir beacon ? :slight_smile:

Is there any way to triangulate position with three RFID sensors

No RFID sensors give no distance measurements.

This project is much more difficult that you think it is. We need to know things like the area and dimensions of this pad. Can the target be active or passive ( that is do you want to modify your phone, rely on some active component of the phone like it's transmitter or treat it as a brick)