Location in space of a rotating object


For my project, I think that a gyroscope would be the best way of knowing where in space a rotating object is. The object is rotating at a speed between 80 rpm and 200 rpm. If the object is within a certain angular range (e.g. between 10° and 30°) a lead on the Arduino needs to be activated so that a specific task can be started or stopped. It should be mentioned that the Arduino is already IR controlled. So, here come my two questions:

  1. Can the Arduino handle two 'continuous processes: one for scanning for an IR command and one for continuous receiving the signal from the gyroscope.
  2. Will the gyroscope + Arduino be fast enough to handle the needed accuracy of sensing a 1 degree change at this speed

Best regards.

What kind of gyro you are going to use?
The gyro's output data rate is limited (ie. 50-800 per second based on interface and type), so you have to check with your datasheet. Most probably a parallel processing of IR (read via a pin) and gyro would be a challenge with 200rpm and 1 deg resolution.

What kind of object?
What is the distance?
Does object has it's own onboard power, or how you gonna power up accellerometer?
Wiring, RF?

A gyro will give you the rate of rotation, not an absolute position. You can integrate the output of the gyro to get position, but it will drift. Have you considered using a magetometer to detect the Earth's magnetic field? Or can you transmit an IR signal from a fixed point outside the rotating object, and pick up that signal on the rotating object?

If you are wanting to know the orientation of something spinning around an axis at 80-200 rpm, I think a gyro is not what you want. You probably could use something like a wheel speed sensor to determine the angle of rotation it is currently at.

Thanks for some valid advices. I will give the wheel speed sensor a closer look.

You could look for a 'rotary encoder', since you want to read rotary position and not rotary speed or rotary acceleration. That would give you the correct Information without to much math. That would save you processortime for IR and other stuff.

You could look for a 'rotary encoder', since you want to read rotary position and not rotary speed or rotary acceleration. That would give you the correct Information without to much math. That would save you processortime for IR and other stuff.

That assumes you have something still that can be one part of the rotory encoder.


You could look for a 'rotary encoder', since you want to read rotary position and not rotary speed or rotary acceleration. That would give you the correct Information without to much math. That would save you processortime for IR and other stuff.

That assumes you have something still that can be one part of the rotory encoder.

As soon as gravity is involved, every rotating object has some sort of shaft, right?
At least, I can't imagine where else the rotation force can come from...

As soon as gravity is involved, every rotating object has some sort of shaft, right?
