I would like to connect my arduino with a beacon and have the arduino be able to give the distance between the arduino and the beacon.
I want to be able to set up the beacon somewhere in the city and be able to have my arduino with me and when I push a button the arduino will display the direct distance between my arduino and the beacon.
For distances between 0-5 km but if it's possible even further.
And with an accuracy of 1 meters or less would be best.
Since 5km is too far away to use a bluetooth or wifi signal I don't really know what a feasable option might be.
Would radiosignal be possible in the city if you think about interference?
And tips for setting up the beacon would be much appreciated
Put a GPS module on the beacon and have it send its coordinates. The module needs to be outdoors, and have a clear view of the sky. Or buy a tracking module.
A more direct answer is that direct distance measuring, from a handheld device to central beacon is possible with LoRa, but you wont get even close to 5km in a city.