Long distance sensor for my yard gate

Hi, i want to detect whenever my front yard gate is opened but i don't want any wires hanging around.
An ultrasound sensor won't work, an pir sensor won't, an ir won't too, and running out of options i posted it hoping to found a answer here :smiley: ..

Do you have a wifi signal at your front yard gate ?

If you do not have power at the yard gate, a solar powered Arduino similar to this one could transmit gate info 30-40 meters.

I have main ac(220v) at the right iron bar, there i can attach my arduino and also my sensor, but the distance from the iron bar to the door(gate) is about 7-9m

Then have the Arduino monitor the gate, and send open/closed status, or status changes back to the house by radio. Any cheap radio module should work.

A roller type microswitch is commonly used to detect open/closed and would be very reliable, if shielded from the elements.

Then have the Arduino monitor the gate, and send open/closed status, or status changes back to the house by radio. Any cheap radio module should work.

A roller type microswitch is commonly used in such cases and would be very reliable, if shielded from the elements.

this is what i want to do, i already have a 433mhz module kit and an INDOOR arduino
the thing is how i can monitor the gate considering that the gate is far from the ironbar (from the right of the photo) and without any wires to the gate hanging around my yard

Wires can be buried.

Wires can be buried.

and this is why i posted my topic, to see if there can be another way of doing it without wires to the gate

the rf solution implies two arduinos.
as to the power issue at the gate, did you read the link in post#2 (excellent tut on solar driven arduino, with rf)?

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So it's either wires or a complete second system with independent power supply. I'd go for the first.

Metal gate, two wires, one on either side, measure resistance. When opened resistance (through the ground) should be much higher than when closed (more or less direct contact).

Photo doesn't load.

So it's either wires or a complete second system with independent power supply. I'd go for the first.

Metal gate, two wires, one on either side, measure resistance. When opened resistance (through the ground) should be much higher than when closed (more or less direct contact).

the rf solution implies two arduinos.
as to the power issue at the gate, did you read the link in post#2 (excellent tut on solar driven arduino, with rf)?

Feels so bad cuz i don't know how to explain it correctly
Let me build a detalied question
(outdoor) My gate is 7m from the closest outlet(220vac), there is where my outdoor arduino is located. Between the gate and the arduino is my yard and the path to my house, in this space i don't want any wires either in the air either in the ground(if there is no option i'll do it in the ground/buried wires) i want to know if there is any other options/sensors witch i don't know that can detect/monitor whenever my door is opened
This way, in the night, when i arrive home the lights will turn on by themselfs and also some more functions but this is not why i posted this

I'd go pir but if you want to use more than a 9m stick then it might( might) help if you list the other functions and while you are at it "why". People here are not mind readers .

I'd go pir but if you want to use more than a 9m stick then it might( might) help if you list the other functions and while you are at it "why". People here are not mind readers .

How exactly can i use a pir to such a distance ?

your pic did not load.

try one of the free photo sites on the web


then post a link on your post

If you are looking for a long distance sensor, I'd use the LiDAR Lite V3. Works up to 40m.

If you are looking for a long distance sensor, I'd use the LiDAR Lite V3. Works up to 40m.

I can understand this working for a big enough gate that can be fully open and fully closed. Images are still lacking.
But will LiDAR be able to detect a gate that is almost closed, just with a small gap? Also question to OP: when do you consider the gate "closed", exactly?

sound like you have a simple solution.
solar power at the hinge side of the gate to detect angle
gate is closed, you send a signal it is closed,
gate is open, you send a signal it is open.
sleep most of the time and your simple solar power wilt last years.

But will LiDAR be able to detect a gate that is almost closed, just with a small gap?

Depends, but I imagine so. The LiDAR Lite V3 is extremely accurate. At 40m it has an accuracy of something ridiculous like 3cm or so.

Go barebone (just an ATmega328P, not a complete board) with a couple capacitors in deep sleep 99.9% of the time. A microswitch wakes up the Arduino (which sends an RF message inside) via an interrupt routine when you open the gate.

This would run years on AAA batteries. Don't mess with wires nor solar power (bulky, more expensive, needs waterproofing).

How exactly can i use a pir to such a distance ?

You quoted in #3 that your distance was between 7 and 9 metres.

Almost all simple pir sensors will work over 12 metres.
