long range simple RF Module Advice?

I 'm working on this project where I want to activate an actuator via a simple remote. I found a RF module that has a encoder and decoder pair already attached. I'm fairly new to how RF modules work and coding.

Can I use a single arduino on the receiver end to sense when a signal is transmitted and then complete the action, while on the transmitter side only have it connected to a battery and push switch on a breadboard? Also would this set up require a specific Library and if it does where can I find it?

You do not need an Arduino on either end, if you use a keyfob pair like Keyfob 4-Button RF Remote Control - 315MHz : ID 1095 : $6.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

BTW you will be lucky to get 100 meters range with that set you linked.

I suppose I could, but I need the actuator to automatically reset it's position after it reaches its full length. As far as range goes that's way more than I need.