Hello Everybody,
I'm looking for a wireless communication module that is capable to transmit data over 500m.
The main problem is the orientation of the antenna, I need a system that can transmit all data without a specific orientation of the antenna.
Excuse me for my very, very bad english
I have already tested HC-12 modules and their range are about 6 m
Without commenting on the main body of your post, if you only got 6m out of the HC-12 then I strongly suspect you did something wrong or the modules were faulty.
Since for ground to rocket you normally have good line of sight, the FSK radio that is typical of the type in a HC-12 is capable of 5km to 15km at 1000bps and 10mW.
Thanks for responding me so quickly,
The 6 m range could be caused by my antennas, I am using defaut ones.
I have tried with other antennas, but nothing seem changed.
Thanks for responding me so quickly,
The 6 m range could be caused by my antennas, I am using defaut ones.
I have tried with other antennas, but nothing seem changed.
Those modules are capable of way more than 6m, even with those cute (but ineffective) coil antennas, try a Google search on 'range test hc12' for some examples.
I would suggest you concentrate on why you cannot get your HC12s to work properly, if you move onto another set of modules you will likley just make the same mistakes.
I have the same antenna on the receiver and on the emitter.
Maybe an improvement would be a good idea?
But even with the standard antenna I would expect you a range well in excess of 100m with a pair of HC12s. I easily got 100m with a pair of low power nRF24L01+ modules and the lower frequency HC12 should be much better.
Those modules are capable of way more than 6m even with those cute (but ineffective) coil antennas
What type of antenna I need to replace the coil antenna.
I think this is the orientation of the antenna that cause this very big rangeloss. But into the rocket the antenna will had random orientation, especially during the descent.
I would suggest you concentrate on why you cannot get your HC12s to work properly
I have a electric pylon 10 m away, but I don't think this is the reason.