Looking for a guide on data logging with Nano and ESP8266

Hello, I'm in search for a guide and not a blogpost about somebody doing a project about data logging.

I saw few projects with pushingbox and Google Sheets, but I'd rather use native doGet (HTTPSRedirect) instead of some middleman service. The example and the script and example seem over complicated and there is no information about expanding the script or modifying it. Many projects using this, just say "copy this" without explanation of code.

My use case is Arduino Nano with ESP8266-01 as a shield using SoftwareSerial. There are about 20 parameters to be logged. Maximal data update rate of Google Sheets seems to be 13,8 per minute (833 per hour, 20 000 per day) if I read the table correctly.

This seems to be the most sane and straight forward example project, but the script lacks meaningful var and function names.
I have no knowledge of the Google Apps script.

This is how I would edit the App script for 3 parameters, don't know if it would work.

function doGet(dataStream){
	Logger.log("--- doGet ---");
	var param1, param2, param3 = "";
	try {
		param1 = dataStream.parameters.param1;
		param2 = dataStream.parameters.param2;
		param3 = dataStream.parameters.param3;

		// save the data to spreadsheet
		SaveDataToSheet(param1, param2, param3);

	catch(error) { 
// Function to save given data to a sheet
function SaveDataToSheet(param1, param2, param3){
	Logger.log("--- SaveDataToSheet ---"); 
	try {
		var dateTime = new Date();

		// Paste the URL of the Google Sheets starting from https thru /edit
		// For e.g.: https://docs.google.com/..../edit 
		var spreadSheetRoot = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/---Your-Google-Sheet-ID--Goes-Here---/edit");
		var rawDataSheet = spreadSheetRoot.getSheetByName("RawData");

		// Get last populated row from RawData sheet
		var lastRow = rawDataSheet.getLastRow() + 1;

		// Start Populating the data
		rawDataSheet.getRange("A" + row).setValue(row - 1);		// ID
		rawDataSheet.getRange("B" + row).setValue(dateTime);	// dateTime
		rawDataSheet.getRange("C" + row).setValue(param1);
		rawDataSheet.getRange("D" + row).setValue(param2);
		rawDataSheet.getRange("E" + row).setValue(param3);
	catch(error) {

	Logger.log("--- Data saved ---"); 

and the Arduino code

String urlFinal = url + “param1=” + param1 + “&param2=” + String(param2) + “&param3=” + String(param3);

Many projects using this, just say "copy this" without explanation

and the Arduino code

String urlFinal = url + “param1=” + param1 + “&param2=” + String(param2) + “&param3=” + String(param3);

The Arduino code is not only incomplete, but also probably very bad, so heeding the "copy this" sounds like a very good idea. At least you might get to see something that actually works.

"Parameters" is meaningless technobabble but, since you are already talking about ESP8266, you might find that a NodeMCU can do the whole job, rather than sticking an ESP onto a Nano.

i have exactly the same problem. I used a Nano for my project, afterwards i added a ESP-07 (ESP8266) to display the data in internet, connected with softserial. Preferable with google sheets.
I know, the more easier and adequate solution is to use a complete board, e.g. NodeMCU, but my project is already done with Nano, for several reasons (e.g ADCs, EEPROM ..)
I couldn't find any working example so far with a shield sending the data to google sheets. Especially with HTTPS . I modified some scripts, but without success, as secure connection is requested.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks and regards

There are plenty of threads around here on sitting an ESP on an Arduino. You may find code examples for nano with included WiFi that do what you want. You should also ensure check the ESP gets correct power. This is likely to mean a separate power source.