Looking for a (Kicad, Diptrace, etc) design for a pro-mini for Atmega328PB

Sure. Have fun with those boards. They quickly became my go-to experimenting boards. The two UARTS are more handy than I initially anticipated and the 2 additional 16bit timers are welcome.

The board without the crystal has a downside. Ofcourse at some point I burned a bootloader to it for the crystal board, rendering it unresponsive. Then I realized the 328PB has Clock Failure Detection (CFD), which should be able to fall back to the internal resonator if the crystal fails.

No joy with that, it simply does not work, or I don't know how to use it.

I changed the boards.txt so that the CFD (extended fuse bit) is activated when burning a bootloader. I changed the CFD bit afterwards via avrdude. I opened a topic about it here

If you ever understand if/how CFD can save a board booting up without a crystal let us know! I gave up on that and promised myself to not touch the bootloader on the non-crystal boards.