Looking for an arduino programmer to make a house model move!

Hi There,

We have an exciting and unique project! We are looking for an enthusiastic arduino programmer to work with us on this.

The project involves using servo motors and an arduino board to make a concept house change form from a square to a triangle. To see a video of the house click here: www.thedhaus.com/architecture

The house changes from square to triangle based on a mathematical formula, we have a show coming up next month and need to have a model ready showing this working.

Im looking for someone who can help us programme the motors to make the house move mechanically. Here is a video of the proposed mechanics of the model: D Haus Model on Vimeo. We then want to be able to control the motors via computer, or run on an automated sequence.

We already have someone building the model so would need to coordinate this the mechanical aspect of the design and the arduino board.

Please get in touch if you think you can help: daniel.woolfson@thedhaus.com

Many thanks!!!
