I'm making a pneumatic stamping press and it will have a rotary encoder on the stamping arm and need a simple setup to control the retract and bottom heights. Let me know if you have the ability to do this and we can talk more about the details and the hourly rate I can pay for the deliverables
This sounds reasonably easy.
How is the press actuated? Is it just a 5v signal to go up, and a different 5v signal to go down?
How did you want to set the retract and bottom heights? An LCD screen? A web page on your local LAN? Hard-coded into the program? Did you want a system that lets you "nudge" the position of the arm, and then you hit a "Set" button to set the top/bottom position of the stroke?
Are we worried about acceleration and deceleration, or will a simple off/on do?
What type of rotary encoder? Does it use i2c? A bunch of pins? Can you post a link to the data sheet?
What controller buttons do you want? Just a single one that says "stamp"? If you press it while the stamp is in progress, then the stamp is cancelled?
Do you want some sort of failsafe - if the arduino activates up/down and the encoder doesn't start changing, then cancel everything?
Assuming this is a nice slow press with a simple up/down which doesn't have any sort of speed control (the valve is either open or closed), I suggest an "up" and "down" button, a "set" button and a "stamp" button. Up and down move the press manually. Holding down "set" and pressing "up" or "down" sets the top/bottom position by reading the rotary encoder and saving the value. "Stamp" runs through a stamping cycle, any button press cancels the cycle.
Ok, I have prepared an initial version of your sketch at
This version does not have any code to read your rotary encoder. Instead, I plugged a pot into an analog in and tested it that way. The outputs seem to flash on and off in response to the buttons and the press movement as they should do.
My usual terms are fifty bucks to my paypal pmurray@bigpond.com, payable when you are happy with the sketch. The code in github has the "unlicense" on it - it's public domain, so it's purely all on an honour basis.
The fee is for a basic couple of hours for a relatively simple job, which this is. If you have new requirements which will take some time and effort to do, then I'll have to think about price.
In this case, the sketch is not complete - you still need to fill in the "readPosition" function. I don't have a digital encoder, so if you wanted me to write a version for your hardware, I'd have to get an encoder and spend soe time making it work. But, if you can understand the code well enough to just plug in your own implementation of 'readPosition' that talks to your encoder, then job done from my end.