Hi all. I have been fooling around a bit with barebone arduino's. Bought myself some components and got my first one running.
Right off the bat i already figured out that this is really awesome but NOT on a standard perfboard.
So now i'm looking for some generous people who have designed a a pcb for a barebone arduino with through hole components that are willing to share these with me.
Please let me know if you made something and are willing to share this with me.
I have the ATmega328P with its dip socket pic below.
I've made barebones arduino on "solderable breadboard" style protoboard:
This specific one was done with the protoboard I sell on Tindie - but I'm hardly the only vendor of protoboard (though mine is better than a lot of what passes for prototyping board - I do double-sided boards with plated through holes on real FR4)
I do double-sided boards with plated through holes on real FR4)
Agree - makes for MUCH happier nights soldering than those crappy single sided boards where the copper rings always fall off all the time, especially if you have to make a correction... well worth the 50% or even less extra cost (making the boards cheap rather than dirt cheap). Not sure of the stuff I have on hand is FR4, the plated-through holes are key.
septillion hear ya. Got a couple of those. I just like the barebone concept, building a very efficient arduino for my solar project at this point.
If you remove the LED and the voltage regulator, a Pro Micro is just as efficient als anything you can build. You save space because it has SMD parts, you essentially get two additional layers for free (it takes only the space of the pins on another board) and it has a standard footprint (meaning that you can publish other boards without forcing people to also get your wierd through-hole Arduino).
Also, I would consider getting into SMD parts. It is really easier than you would expect and it is so much nicer.
Thanks all for the responses. The Pro Micro might be an good idea for the future!
Part of this project is also the experience of building it on your own, getting it to run etc. I do have the parts here already so would also be a waste of resources to leave it laying around and not make use of them.
DaveEvans that little Solarbotics Ardweeny looks fun. Bit pricy but fun. i guess i'll be going with the "Bare Bones Arduino V2 by Kevin Rye" as suggested by cmiyk. Downloadable as a board file for Eagle so maybe a bit easier for me to start playing around with designing some stuff on my own in eagle.
Once again, thanks a lot for al te response love the community!!!
Good luck beating the Pro Mini on weight. Mine comes in at 4.2 grams, with all headers soldered in - so without the headers it's more like 3 g. A DIP-28 chip weighs almost that much by itself.
Every gram saved on processor is a gram more for sensors!