I am looking to improve my code and coding abilities, I have been looking to see what is best method but I need a push in the right direction. I am seeking to see if there is a better way to structure, write, and organize code.
I have been looking into object orientated programming using classes but unsure if this is the correct method to make my code better.
I will be continuing to add things for the Arduino to control but this is what I have so far
What my code does: Controls fish tank operations
Brief explanation
Checks water level, asks for permission to top off if low, if approved tops of water until water is at high level float switch.
When water change button is selected:
checks sensor readings, pumps out water to low level sensor, pause, pumps water in until high level float switch
-manual fill/ drain:
if fill button is pressed fill
if drain button is pressed drain
Thanks for the help!
/* Verison 3.1 ignore top off with millis for 10 minutes
New: When sensor bypass is initiated drain and fill will show screen with option to cancel fill
and drain function
#include <Elegoo_GFX.h> // Core graphics library
#include <Elegoo_TFTLCD.h> // Hardware-specific library
#include <TouchScreen.h>
#if defined(__SAM3X8E__)
#undef __FlashStringHelper::F(string_literal)
#define F(string_literal) string_literal
#define YP A3 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!
#define XM A2 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!
#define YM 9 // can be a digital pin
#define XP 8 // can be a digital pin
#define TS_LEFT 85
#define TS_RIGHT 900
#define TS_TOP 105
#define TS_BOT 920
// pressure resisistance @300ohms
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);
#define LCD_CS A3
#define LCD_CD A2
#define LCD_WR A1
#define LCD_RD A0
// optional
#define LCD_RESET A4
//16 bit color values
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define BLUE 0x001F
#define RED 0xF800
#define GREEN 0x07E0
#define CYAN 0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF
#define BOXSIZE 40 //size of boxes for button
#define PENRADIUS 3 //size of what how big of a line (circle)
int oldcolor, currentcolor;
int on=LOW ;
int off=HIGH ;
int fillPin=23 ;
int drainPin=22 ;
int highlevelPin=24 ;
int lowlevelPin= 25 ;
int lowtopoffPin=26 ;
int lowtopOff ;
int SWCButtonNew ;
int highLevel ;
int lowLevel ;
int newState ;
int dt=250 ;
int NewlowLevel;
int drainfillDelay=3000 ;
int py ;
int px ;
int fillbucketlevelPin = 26 ;
int fillbucketLevel ;
int button ;
int d;
int menuChoice ;
int x ;
int currentScreen ;
int oldScreen ;
int topoffScreen ;
int y ;
int ignore ;
unsigned long ignoreStartMillis ;
unsigned long ignoreCurrentMillis ;
unsigned long ignoreTime ;
unsigned long currentMillis ;
const unsigned longPeriod = 1000 ;
int wait;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin(9600) ;
Serial.println("Program run") ;
pinMode(13,OUTPUT) ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(highlevelPin,INPUT) ;
pinMode(fillPin,OUTPUT) ;
ignore = 0 ;
currentMillis ;
tft.reset() ;
tft.setRotation(3) ;
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000
//create home screen--------------------------------------------------------------------
//Draw white frame
tft.fillScreen (BLUE) ;
tft.drawRect (0,0,319,240,WHITE) ;
//Print "hello" text
tft.setCursor(100,30) ;
tft.setTextColor (WHITE) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Tankduino V3.0") ;
//create water change button
tft.fillRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,188) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Begin Water Change") ;
//create manual fill/drain
tft.fillRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,128) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("manual fill/drain") ;
void loop() {
//Serial.println ("restart code") ;
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
menuChoice=1 ;
if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
Serial.print("("); Serial.print(px);
Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(py);
if (( px > 40 && px < 300) && (py > 180 && py < 220)) { // if the create water change button is selected
menuChoice=3 ;
if (( px > 40 && px < 300) && (py > 120 && py < 160)) { // if the manual fill/drain button is selected
menuChoice=2 ;
Serial.print ("Menu choice is ");
Serial.println(menuChoice) ;
Serial.print ("Current screen is ") ;
Serial.println (currentScreen) ;
switch(menuChoice) {
//Water change case ------------------------------------------------------------------------
case 3 : //water change case
Serial.println("Water Change") ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
//create water change in progress button
tft.fillRect(40,180,260,40,RED) ;
tft.drawRect(40,180,260,40,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,188) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(1) ;
tft.print("Water change in progress") ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
lowLevel=digitalRead(lowlevelPin) ;
Serial.print("low Level is ") ;
Serial.println(lowLevel) ;
Serial.print("High Level is ") ;
Serial.println(highLevel) ;
if (highLevel==1 && lowLevel==1) {
Serial.println ("sensors working") ;
lowLevel=digitalRead(lowlevelPin) ;
while (lowLevel==1) {
digitalWrite(drainPin,on) ;
Serial.println ("Drain on") ;
lowLevel=digitalRead(lowlevelPin) ;
Serial.print("low level is ") ;
Serial.println (lowLevel) ;
digitalWrite(drainPin,off) ;
delay(drainfillDelay) ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
while (highLevel==0) {
digitalWrite(fillPin,on) ;
Serial.println ("Filling") ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
Serial.print("High level pin is ") ;
Serial.println (highLevel) ;
digitalWrite(drainPin,off) ;
digitalWrite(fillPin,off) ;
// bypass sensor check screen
else {
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillScreen(RED) ;
//Print "Sensor check" text
tft.setCursor(75,30) ;
tft.setTextColor (WHITE) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Sensor reading low") ;
tft.fillRoundRect (24,128, 260, 40,6, WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor (28,140) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Bypass sensor check") ;
tft.fillRoundRect(5,5,30,30,6,BLACK) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(5,5,30,30,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(11,6) ;
tft.setTextColor(RED) ;
tft.setTextSize(3) ;
tft.print("x") ;
wait=0 ;
while (wait==0) {
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
Serial.print("("); Serial.print(px);
Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(py);
if (( px > 20 && px < 270) && (py > 120 && py < 260)) {
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
lowLevel=digitalRead(lowlevelPin) ;
Serial.print ("Bypass enabled") ;
while (lowLevel==1) {
digitalWrite(drainPin,on) ;
Serial.println ("Drain on") ;
lowLevel=digitalRead(lowlevelPin) ;
Serial.print("low level is ") ;
Serial.println (lowLevel) ;
digitalWrite(drainPin,off) ;
delay(drainfillDelay) ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
while (highLevel==0) {
digitalWrite(fillPin,on) ;
Serial.println ("Filling") ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
Serial.print("High level pin is ") ;
Serial.println (highLevel) ;
digitalWrite(drainPin,off) ;
digitalWrite(fillPin,off) ;
menuChoice=1 ;
currentScreen =0 ;
break ;
if ((px > 5 && px < 35) && (py > 5 && py < 35)) {
Serial.print ("Home") ;
wait=1 ;
menuChoice =1 ;
currentScreen=0 ;
menuChoice=1 ;
currentScreen =0 ;
break ;
// Manual fill/drain case-------------------------------------------------------------------
case 2 :
Serial.println("Enter manual fill/Drain") ;
//Print create fill and drain buttons
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
//Print "hello" text
tft.setCursor(100,30) ;
tft.setTextColor (BLUE) ;
tft.setTextSize(4) ;
tft.print("Hello") ;
tft.setCursor(60,30) ;
tft.setTextColor (WHITE) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Manual fill/drain") ;
//create fill button
tft.fillRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,188) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Fill") ;
//create drain
tft.fillRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,128) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Drain") ;
// create back to home button
tft.fillRoundRect(5,5,30,30,6,RED) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(5,5,30,30,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(11,6) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(3) ;
tft.print("x") ;
x=0 ;
while (x==0) {
Serial.println ("x=0") ;
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
/* Drain */ while ( (px > 40 && px < 300) && (py > 120 && py < 160)) {
Serial.println ("drain") ;
digitalWrite (drainPin, on) ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,RED) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,128) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Drain") ;
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
while ( (px > 40 && px < 300) && (py > 120 && py < 160)) {
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,128) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Drain") ;
digitalWrite (drainPin,off) ;
/* pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,128) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Drain") ;
/* fill */ while ( (px > 40 && px < 300) && (py > 180 && py < 220)) {
Serial.println ("fill") ;
digitalWrite (fillPin, on) ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.drawRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,188) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Fill") ;
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
while ( (px > 40 && px < 300) && (py > 180 && py < 220)) {
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,188) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Fill") ;
digitalWrite (fillPin,off) ;
if ((px>5 && px<35) && (py>5 && py <35)) {
x=1 ;
menuChoice=1 ;
currentScreen=0 ;
Serial.println ("Exit") ;
break ;
// Main menu case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
case 1 :
if (currentScreen ==0) {
Serial.print ("Main Menu") ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
//Draw white frame
tft.fillScreen (BLUE) ;
tft.drawRect (0,0,319,240,WHITE) ;
//Print "hello" text
tft.setCursor(100,30) ;
tft.setTextColor (WHITE) ;
tft.setTextSize(4) ;
tft.print("Hello") ;
//create water change button
tft.fillRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,180,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,188) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Begin Water Change") ;
//create manual fill/drain
tft.fillRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,GREEN) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(40,120,260,40,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(60,128) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("manual fill/drain") ;
currentScreen=1 ;
break ;
// Automatic top off with approval of topping off from touchscreen user
highLevel = digitalRead (highlevelPin) ;
lowtopOff= digitalRead (lowtopoffPin) ;
currentMillis= (millis());
ignoreTime=currentMillis - ignoreStartMillis ;
// Serial.println(ignoreTime) ;
if (ignoreTime > 600000) {
ignore=0 ;
if ((lowtopOff==0) && (ignore==0)) {
/// Alert screen When fish tank needs to be topped off
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillScreen(RED) ;
tft.fillRoundRect (24,128, 260, 40,6, WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor (28,140) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Approve water top off") ;
tft.fillRoundRect(5,5,30,30,6,BLACK) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(5,5,30,30,6,WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(11,6) ;
tft.setTextColor(RED) ;
tft.setTextSize(3) ;
tft.print("x") ;
x=0 ;
while ((lowtopOff==0) && (ignore==0)) {
digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint() ;
digitalWrite (13,LOW) ;
if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {
py = map (p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height()) ;
px = map (p.y, TS_LEFT, TS_RIGHT,0, tft.width()) ;
Serial.print("("); Serial.print(px);
Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(py);
if ((px > 5 && px < 35) && (py > 5 && py < 35)) {
Serial.print ("Ignore") ;
ignore=1 ;
ignoreStartMillis=(millis()) ;
menuChoice =1 ;
currentScreen=0 ;
if (( px > 20 && px < 270) && (py > 120 && py < 260)) {
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
Serial.println ("Top off Approved") ;
Serial.print("High level is ") ;
Serial.println(highLevel) ;
while (highLevel ==0) {
Serial.println("Topping off") ;
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
tft.fillScreen(RED) ;
tft.fillRect (20,120, 250, 40, GREEN) ;
tft.setCursor (20,140) ;
tft.setTextColor(BLACK) ;
tft.setTextSize(2) ;
tft.print("Topping off water") ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
digitalWrite (fillPin,off) ;
highLevel=digitalRead(highlevelPin) ;
lowtopOff= digitalRead (lowtopoffPin) ;
menuChoice=1 ;
currentScreen =0 ;