I picked this up http://www.ebay.com/itm/301104737944 . It didn't come with any software or links to any drivers.
They call it a 2.8" but it is marked as a 2.6" on the shield. The specs are:
2.8 inch tft lcd display (with touch panel)
2 controller :spfd5408 ili9325 hx8347 (listed as S6D0139 in other similar auction)
320 x 240 resolution
Reading register 0 with tftlcd as in
uint16_t identifier = tft.readRegister(0x0);
reports 139Hex... maybe this means it is sds0139? This is a samsung driver and I unfortunately can't find a driver for it for arduino. It is listed in the auction as having the driver available and why bother putting it on an arduino shield if it isn't.
I have tried every library I can find out there I could find. My last attempts to get it functioning were with UTFT. I tried all the controllers listed above and numerous others. I'm hoping that someone else may have this same board and can pointing me to a working library and example. I only get a white screen and it never changes with any of the examples and libraries I have tried. the other alternative is that the unit is DOA.