Edit - Thank you for reading, My requirement has now been filled. All the best for 2017, Steve.
I am looking for a partner to assist with my project. I am NOT looking for financial assistance although this is a commercial project and you will be rewarded for participation.
About me: I run my own business in UK since 1992. I am a diagnostic engineers which means that I test equipment such as motors, pumps, fans etc on a regular basis using vibration analysis, analyse the data and trends and advise the client on any action required to avoid a breakdown and loss of production. See my website www.efftek.co.uk for more details.
I have been interested in programming and electronics for over 30 years. I have recently got interested in the possibilities of using an Arduino to remotely monitor and collect vibration data for analysis. So:
I have designed an ADC shield for the MEGA2560. The shield has an onboard MCP3208 8 channel 12 bit ADC to collect the vibration readings from MEMS accelerometers. It also features interfaces for either 2X16, 4X20 LCD displays and also TFT displays. There is a RTC module connector, a Bluetooth connector and an XBee connector to allow transmission of the data onwards. The board also features two 4 channel DAC modules and 256, 512, 1024 or 2048kB eeprom, all of which are optional at build time. I have 40 pcbs and can assemble them as and when they are required.
So, I started writing the code and I have got so far as capturing data, using an FFT routine to analyse the data and display it on the screen. And it all looks good.
My thoughts when I designed the board were that there were many possibilities for taking the data out of the monitoring unit and getting it to a point where further in depth analysis could be performed such as;
Data is collected via a smart phone using Bluetooth and downloaded to a pc
Data can be collected by an Arduino using the same board and stored on the eeprom to be downloaded to a pc
These two options would require a person walking a route, collecting the data. Or an autonomous option would be;
Data is sent via the XBee network up to a cloud server where an expert (me) can download it for analysis. Additional XBee modules would be required to complete the network.
All of the above options could be offered to the customer at different costs.
I am finding it hard to devote the time required to progress this project. My personal, work and yacht racing life have recently taken up so much time. Whilst the hardware is all developed (not to say it can’t be improved) it’s the software side I’m struggling to find time for.
I am looking for a person or group of people who have the time and dedication to pushing this project forwards. Ideally, they would understand the concept of FFTs, vibration, acceleration, velocity, demodulation, kurtosis etc all of which are the building blocks of vibration analysis and also have a basic understanding of mechanics – how motors, pumps and fans are designed and work. Most importantly, to be able to code for and be enthusiastic about the Arduino.
A 50% share in all profits from sales of the unit. This will be guaranteed by an agreement signed by and protecting all parties and will continue for a fixed period after the end of the collaboration period which may include future projects.
If you are interested, please contact me on s.ferry@efftek.co.uk . Give me a brief introduction to yourself and your capabilities.