Looking for programmer for simple machine safety job

Looking for someone here or a link to maybe a Arduino freelancing or tendering site, to write the code for a rather simple safety/control system for a machine.

5x switched
2x proximity
1x hall effect
1x counter (proxi or IR)

1x VFD drive control
1x buzzer & light
2x relay

Touch screen control and options would also be preferable
Lifetime process counter
Resetable counter
Start/stop buttons
EMG stop buttons
4 set outputs and also Speed increase/decrease to the VFD
RPM display
Couple more count downs with reset and prewarning

Anyone interested or have any suggestions on where to find someone?

More details about the interfaces / devices to connect to is welcome...

Is it a standalone device or does it need to connect to internet?

No connection to the internet.
This is completely stand alone. Doesnt have to be Arduino -if say Andriod is better or easier then Im open to suggestions.
I dont have the skills to do the code side or things and though Arduino would be a good option?

No sure what else you want to know about interfaces..?? they are just simple sensors.. microswitch, proximity, hall effect etc

The machine it runs on feeds components into itself for assemble.
The switches are for low level microswitch triggers, hall effect for counting teeth on a sprocket and steady frequency and when a jam occurs, this input will slow/stop and trigger a shutdown of the VFD

I'd be happy to discuss specifics of requirements with you and possibly take the job on. However, why an Arduino as opposed to a PLC? I can tell you that with the Arduino you're probably already well into the 4 figures in terms of cost to do it right, whereas someone expert in PLC programming could probably knock this out in an hour or two with a $500 PLC.

If you want to talk, I'm at lyndon@cedarlakeinstruments.com