Looking for someone to help me with some codes and circuits

I'm doing a project at school and I need to read temperature with a NTC thermistor 100K 3950 for 3d printers. I would like to see the temperature on a lcd. so I would like to have the shematic and the code. if someone can do this for me, it would be awsome.

Welcome to the forum

You say that you are doing a project at school but want someone else to do the work.

Is that right ?

no its not all the work because I have other things to do with it and its very hard to do what I am asking for and we can ask people question. its called expo-science

With respect, you are not asking questions, rather you are asking for

and asking for someone to

which is a different thing altogether

If someone does do what you ask, will they be appropriately credited in the documentation of your project ?

Start with an LCD 1602 display (these are very common) and an arduino Uno. Find a tutorial and print "100 centigrade" on the screen. Proceed from there to integrate your temperature sensor.

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yes I have a document with the sources that I used and I would write: Arduino Forum and explain what the person told me. and I could also thank the person in my presentation

NTC library GitHub - panStamp/thermistor: Arduino library for NTC thermistors

LCD library & more: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) with Arduino | Arduino Documentation | Arduino Documentation

General format Internet search: NTC3950 thermistor 16x2 LCD Arduino sketch code at DuckDuckGo

Adafruit general notes you may find helpful:
Using a Thermistor | Thermistor | Adafruit Learning System

What/how much are You supposed to do Yourself? Collecting knowing people doing the job can't be the task.

Collecting people is not the job but people can help me

That is a good start. DO you have all the components so you can test? Do any of the various thermistor circuits on the WWW not meet your requirements?
What is your planned power supply for your project?

Yes I have a lot of components and I don’t really know what power supply I’m gonna use because it’s not just reading temperature that I’m gonna have to do. I will need to open or close electricity to produce heat with a 12V 40W ceramic cartridge heater. And I looked on the forum and a lot of other place and I didn’t saw something with good results…

Don't expect to find something that will do all you want in a single project.

You need to read temperature. Start with that only and get it to work.

You need to control your heating device. Work only on that until you get it to work the way you want.

Only when you know how each device works and have test code that works for you, then you can begin to combine the code/logic into your final project.

Ok thanks, I’m gonna work on that

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